Wednesday 15 December 2010

Targets to Improve my work

1. To use less writng and more visuals.
2. To researh and know more inofrmation about Film Noir.
3.Use more bullentin points, not to go into too much depth where it isn't needed.

Self Assessment of Individual Presentation

Self Assessment

Overall I was happy with my individual presentation as it was my first presentation, and I put the time effort and research into this. If I was to give myself a grade it would be a P-Proficient. The WWW ( What went well) and EBI ( Even Better If ) system really helped me. EBI helped me to see where I went wrong in my presentation, and targets to improve my work. WWW gave me confidence, and highlighted my strengths in the presentation. Overall I was pleased, but I know I could of done better.

Peer Assessment


- I have a clear, understanding speaking voice
- Conventions
- Background/History knowledge of Genres


- I was more confident
-Used more Images

Teacher Assessment

Slide about inspirational directors
I understood my genre effectively.

Used more Images
More knowledge on different genres, especially Film Noir
Storyboard to be more effective, and clear.

Individual Presentation

Friday 26 November 2010

Favourite Genre

Psycological Thrillers are my favourite genre. I love films that get you thinking and confuse you, I love the suspense these films give off.  It builds, it dwindles, it scares the daylights out of you and adds dimension to the scene in a way that nothing quite else can rival. Also, movies of this kind focus more on a plot, than a muscle flexing action hero, which appeals I'm sure to the intellectual in me.The best psychological thrillers truly pack the punches with the suspense, and elements of mystery, drama and deception thrown in for good measure, till you haven't the foggiest what the outcome is going to be – that's the part that throws you. I have a passion for these types of movies, but I have chosen to use thriller as the genre for my opening sequence.
The purpose of this unit is to assess my ability to plan and construct media products using technical and creative skills; this is marked as (A03). The second assessment to this part of the course is about knowledge and understanding in the evaluation of my own work, presenting definitions and responses created (A02). Then finally the ability to undertake, apply and present appropriate research (A04).

What i've learnt so far in this course in brief - I've learned about the mark scheme of the work and how its assessed through three catergories
1. Research and Planning
2. Construction
3. Evalution

I've also learnt  how effective presentations are in Media and key concepts. In this part of the course I will be doing a preliminary; which is a task involving filming and editing of a character entering a room, walking across to sit beside or opposite someone and exchange a few lines of dialogue for a minture max. This task must demonstrate the features of match on action, shot/reverse shot/ and the 180 degree rule. My group is of 3 Shahna Pinnock and Rafaella Batista.

Targets To Improve

1. To make sure I complete all tasks and homework set, and to upload them on to my blogger.
2. To achieve a higher predicted grade
3. To make more an effort, and take time to make sure work levels is up to high standard

Monday 20 September 2010

G321- As Media Syllabus

AS G321 which is Foundation Portfolio in Media, is a coursework that had a total of 50% where candidates produce two paired media arefacts from a series of briefs.
Section A of the paper is based on an unseen moving image extract and required to answer ONE quewstion. While Section B is based on Institutions and Audiences.Another 50% is the 2 hour written paper in Key Media Concepts of TV Drama.