Tuesday 22 February 2011

Research and planning Opening sequence Idea

First Draft of Idea for Opening Sequence

           My story idea is about a young 16yeard school girl who see's a pyschatrist as she is being cyber bullied over facebook, she then starts talking to this boy on the internet she hasn’t met yet, they become talking a lot as she is lonely and he is the only one on facebook that is nice to her she is very naïve. The psychiatrist is actually posing as this ‘boy’ and facebook as he becomes obsessed with her. He has a shrine dedicated to her at his home, he arranges to meet her.
         My idea for facebook stalking would be effective for raising awareness of young people being careful of who they talk too on the internet, as people lie who they are.o
Teacher Assessment
EBI: To cliche

My Job allocations

Main person in charge of how the film is made/should look.
Responsible to set the mood ad visual looks of the film.

Art Director
 Responsible for props and costumes.

Director of Photography
Be able to make sure that what goes on screen looks visually pleasing.
Checks Mise-en-Scene

Camera Operator
I shall be operating the camera, filming the scene using the equipment using cameras, tripods etc.

Seven film anaylsis

Tripod and Camera

When filming you have to becareful with the tripod and open the legs up carefully, make sure at all times the attachment is tightened this will ensure that the camera wont fall off, and it will be hold in a firm steady place, I also learnt that using the tripod at all times will provide a better picture quality for the apprant viewer as it will be clear and not shaky.When finishing wih filming always put the legs of the tripod first in the bag.

I learnt that before filming I have to make sure the camera ia fully charged, also I have to be very careful with the camera at all times, and do not firce my tape in as it might break with the amount of force being pushed. When holding the camera at all times put my hand through the strap to have a secure hold. I also leanrt that zooming I have to wait a couple of seconds before the picture gets clear.